General Practice: Health & Services
General Practitioners (GPs) are committed to providing a full range of medical services to meet your individual health needs.

Treatment Room
The dedicated Doctors and Nurses at Northside Clinic are committed to supporting your individual health needs…

HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus. It is a virus that is a member of the Retrovirus family. Sometimes referred to as Retrovirus.

Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) are infections or diseases passed on during unprotected sex with an infected partner.

LGBTIQA+ Alcohol and Drug Use
More LGBTIQA+ people use illicit drugs, smoke and drink harmful amounts of alcohol than straight, cis gender people.

LGBTIQA+ Parenting
There are many issues to decide on related to parenting including the parenting roles for each parent, the level of involvement or not if there is a known sperm…

Women’s Health
Testing on Cervical Screening and Breast Cancer Screening. Cervical Screening tests the Human Papilloma Virus. 1 in 12 women in Australia will develop breast cancer…

Lesbian, Bisexual & Queer Women’s Health
Northside Clinic offers inclusive healthcare for lesbian, bisexual and queer women through affirming their sexual identity…

Men’s Health
Seeing your doctor for regular medical check-ups helps men stay healthy and is an important part of healthcare and wellbeing.

Gay, Bisexual & Queer Men’s Health
Northside Clinic offers a supportive and inclusive environment for the gay and bisexual community.

Trans, Gender Diverse & Non-Binary Health
We aim to create a space in which trans, gender diverse and non-binary people feel comfortable, whilst receiving exceptional…

As soon as you are born, you are assigned a sex, “it’s a boy”, or “it’s a girl”. However, many are born with an intersex variation…