Allied Health

The Allied Health team offer psychology, speech pathology, occupational therapy and dietetics for our patients.


Getting started with therapy can sometimes be quite anxiety provoking. Many patients are unsure of what to expect when they make an appointment to see a psychologist. At Northside Clinic, we endeavour to keep you informed at every step of the process.

At the beginning of therapy, the psychologist begins with an assessment period. This allows you and the psychologist to get to know one another and also provides time for the psychologist to get a thorough understanding of the problem(s). The assessment period usually consists of an interview and a questionnaire.

Once the assessment is completed, your psychologist will discuss with you their recommended formulation. The formulation outlines the factors that have contributed to, and are maintaining the problem(s). From here the psychologist will discuss different treatment options and develop an individual treatment plan.

Treatment varies depending on the presenting problem(s). Some patients benefit from a short-term approach whereas others may require a longer-term approach. A thorough assessment will provide the psychologist with a good indication of what will be required and approximately how long therapy will take. Different psychologists specialise in different treatment approaches.

As treatment progresses, the psychologist will make regular reviews of your progress, to ensure treatment goals are on track and to overcome any obstacles which may present themselves as treatment progresses.

Shona Francey

Clinical Psychologist
BSc (HONS), MPsych (Clin), PhD

Available at Northside Clinic on Mondays

Shona Francey
Clinical Psychologist

Dr Shona Francey is a clinical psychologist with more than 30 years’ experience in public mental health services providing assessment and treatment for people with serious mental illness and co-morbid conditions. She has worked extensively in early detection and intervention for psychosis and those at-risk utilising a stress-vulnerability model and cognitive behavioural therapy techniques. As such, she is skilled in working with people presenting with mood, anxiety, personality and stress disorders, and aims to help people to achieve the highest possible quality of life.

Shona is available for appointments at Northside Clinic on Mondays

Tel: 0419 710 142

Speech Pathology

Vanessa Murray

Speech Pathologist
BA (Hons – Asian Studies/Linguistics); MSpeechPath

Vanessa Murray

Speech pathologists study, diagnose and treat communication and swallowing disorders, including but not limited to difficulties with speaking, listening, understanding language, reading, writing, social skills, stuttering and using voice.

Speech pathologists work with people who have:

  • Difficulty communicating because of developmental delays such as Autism or ADHD
  • Acquired brain injuries such as stroke or head trauma
  • Learning disability
  • Intellectual disability
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Dementia
  • Hearing loss
  • Gender & voice dysphoria.


People who experience difficulties with safely swallowing food, drink and medication can also be helped by a speech pathologist.

Treatment programs begin with an initial consultation. We conduct a thorough assessment of you or your loved one’s presenting condition, and establish goals for further sessions where necessary. In each follow up session we will generally introduce you to a number of new strategies and exercises, to be carried over into home practice.

Strategies provided within sessions are as varied as the presenting conditions, and are tailored to provide you with optimal outcomes. The sessions are generally kept short to allow for optimal engagement and learning, and to reduce the occurrence of muscular and vocal fatigue.

For more information please see Vanessa’s website:

Mental Health Occupational Therapy

Abby Draper

Mental Health Occupational Therapist

Available at Northside Clinic on Mondays and Tuesdays

Abby Draper

Abby is an AHPRA-accredited occupational therapist with 14 years of experience working in the mental health system. They have worked in inpatient units, prevention and recovery care services, homeless programs, and community mental health. Abby identifies as non-binary and is part of the LGBTQIA+ and neurodivergent communities. They draw from their own psycho-social and internal challenges, as well as their experiences working with various service providers since 1999.

Abby celebrates diversity and uniqueness and understands how affirming spaces and therapeutic practices lead to better positive mental health and well-being outcomes. They are a passionate advocate for equality and value creating safe, inclusive, and trauma-informed spaces for individuals of all abilities, backgrounds, cultures, genders, races, and sexual preferences.

Abby focuses on the client’s strengths rather than diagnoses and uses a trauma-informed approach to care. Their expertise lies in sensory modulation techniques to promote calmness, safety, and harm reduction. In their practice, Abby offers a non-judgmental approach, empowering clients to become more autonomous and resilient in their mental health and well-being journeys.


Mental Health Occupational Therapists

Occupational therapists consider the ways an individual and their environments can enhance or impede their occupational performance and participation and offer services to support their clients thrive by using a recovery and strengths based approach to enhance their functional capacity, social and community engagement and participation in activities which gives them purpose and meaning and improve overall Mental Health Well-Being and overall Quality of Life.

1) Focus on the ways you ‘occupy’ (or spend) your time.

2) Consider the complexities of the individual (Cultural, Emotional, Neurological, Occupational, Sensory, Social and Spiritual)

3) Environmental Factors which can impact an individual’s Occupational Performance, Participation and Satisfaction. Housing circumstances, Family/Interpersonal relationships partners and flatmates) Physical – Accessibility and safety, Economy/Finances (Basic needs met, Supports and resources to engage in meaningful activities), Socio-Political (Culturally inclusive/marginalisation/safety) and Sensory Environments (Thrive or Survive.)

Deliver Services which consider the above areas:

Including Occupational Therapy Specific Interventions including:

  • Abby provides sensory modulation techniques to support individuals with regulating their arousal levels, behaviour and emotions.
  • Abby offers Mindfulness in action including practical activities such as Walking, Meal preparation and cooking, preparing and enjoying a cup of tea or coffee, cleaning, stretching, Yoga, being in nature- Walking barefoot on the grass or sand, cloud watching, star gazing, through art as well as Progressive Muscle Relaxation, Body Scans and Paired breathing for alerting, calming, grounding and managing physical-sensations associated with deeper emotions and traumatic memories.
  • Abby can assist with environmental adaptations accessibility to encourage autonomy and engagement in meaningful daily activities.
  • Abby can help build organisational skills for daily structure and weekly routines to support managing home tasks, handling life administration, practicing self-care, nurturing social connections, and pursuing study and work goals.
  • Abby is experienced in conducting functional assessments, sensory profiles, sensory safety, relapse prevention and risk management plans.
  • Make recommendations to health professions, social support, peer support and other LGBTQIA+, ND affirmative and safe services.


Abby also provides talking therapies which have a practical component including:
  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)
  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
  • Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT)
  • Neuro-Divergent Friendly Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT)
  • Transgender Affirmative Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (TA-CBT)
  • Schema Therapy
Medicare, Private Health and Private Appointments Available:
From June 30th 2024

Price: $225


Please see our website for further details or contact Abby via email:
Abby is available for appointments at Northside clinic on Mondays and Tuesdays.