Older Women’s Health

Older same sex attracted women can be fearful of a time when they might need more health care support, and particularly of whether their partnership will be recognised and respected.

Many health care providers and aged care facilities are found to be ignorant of older lesbians’ needs and to ignore the importance of sexuality.

Legal vulnerability of same sex relationships is particularly important when partners become unwell, require residential aged care or die.

Recently, aged care services have been able to access training and resources to improve their sensitivity towards older LGBT people.


The Matrix Guild, Victoria
Raising awareness of the health, housing and care needs of older lesbians.

Website: http://www.matrixguildvic.org.au/

Secretary’s Mobile: 0419 551 027

Email: secretary@matrixguildvic.org.au

Council on the Ageing
Fact sheets and contacts: http://www.cota.org.au/